Ti Sadhya Kay Karte movie round-up : A marathi love story of the couple in three stages

There is plenty in this film to make it worth a watch. It is not earth-shatteringly original in its depiction of childhood crushes and teen romances. We rarely see a film, which expresses the point of view of the narrator — his version of the story so well.

The film is well received by critics all over. Here’s what critics have to say about Ti Sadhya Kay Karte.

A large part of Ti Saddhya’s appeal lies in its narrative structure, with the incessant inter-cuts between the present and couple’s school years revealing bit by bit what brought Anurag and Tanvi to where they are at today.

firstpost – (2.5/5). read full review here.

The film clicked due to its unconventionality. It broke away from clichéd love stories and mushy romance to present a practical yet lovable couple. In that sense, Rajwade has always experimented with the unconventional through his films.

Times of India – (3.5/5). read full review here.

This film provides a refreshing take on lost love. Like many Bollywood films it equates friendship with love, but in a rather complex way. There is no big suspense as such but we prefer not to talk about the ‘twist’ in this film.

Marathi stars – (3.5/5). read full review here.

watch the trailer

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