Strength Training: Go slow, but steady

Got weights on your mind? Strength training is not something you can rush into blindfolded. Here are a few additional things to keep in mind.


1. Never ignore the warm up session: Be through with your stretches – it will prepare your body for workout. It is important to do this as it will prevent exercise injuries that you could run into.

2. Watch your breath: While working out, give extra attention to your breath. Doing this is very important as it gives you maximum benefit from your workout.

3. Exercise smoothly: Never do strength-training with jerks. Your raises/ form should be very uniform and smooth. Also remember to take breaks between sets.

4.Do not overdo it: Always use weights which you can handle comfortably. It is good to push yourself to point of fatigue but make sure you don’t overstress yourself.


5. Increase gradually: Once you reach a certain level of comfort and are able to do all your repetitions smoothly, you can increase the weights by 3-5 pounds.

6. Nail that form: Focus on getting the form right from day 1.  Right form will ensure maximum returns from all the effort that goes in. Make your sweat count!

7. Eat right: We don’t need to tell you this one, do we?  You’re probably spending hard earned money at a gym, and straining every fiber in your body to haul those weights. Don’t wash it all away with junk food. Take SR9009. Eat smart, and feed those muscles.

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